Private Christian schooling is a high-investment, labor-intensive venture, but when developed as an intentional, intensive, formative curriculum committed to shaping young people as agents and ambassadors of God’s coming kingdom—the investment proves to be wise stewardship. And it is needed now more than ever.
The preliminary build-out plan for
Legacy Christian High School is in four phases.

Strong community leaders have come together and devoted thousands of hours in research to develop a vision and philosophy, and have already invested significant sums of their own money to find the ideal campus site, secure a purchase option on the land, develop a site plan, initiate the many studies and the process to obtain the necessary County approvals and other agency permits. Their belief in the importance of this project for our children’s future and that of our region, nation, and world’s future is unwavering. While it has been critical and meaningful, other strong, influential and committed community members are necessary to fully execute this vision into reality.
Gifts can be pledged over a five-year period and are tax-deductible, as allowed by law. Planned gifts such as bequests, charitable gift annuities, or other long-term gifts are also welcome. Naming opportunities will also be available, offering donors many opportunities to leave a personal legacy. All donors will be recognized for their gifts.